About This Campaign

This Campaign’s History

This project was started by students at Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges (the “Tri-Co”) in early 2021.
Sophie Greer (Bryn Mawr ’23) has wanted to learn American Sign Language (ASL) for a while. When she learned that ASL is not offered in the Bi-Co, and that Swarthmore classes were not available to most Bryn Mawr students during part of the pandemic, she was disappointed. She decided to push for such classes to be more available to Bi-Co students. This effort developed into plans to push for more disability-related courses in general.
Mawrtyrs for Access, a club at Bryn Mawr, helped her develop her ideas and reviewed a related letter she wrote to the Tri-Co provosts. In early 2021, some Haverford students independently had the same idea (and also wanted to advocate for & support disabled students more generally), so they started Disability Advocacy for Students at Haverford (DASH).
After Sophie attended one of their meetings, DASH convinced her to write a petition to supplement her letter. That petition went live on April 1st, 2021, and has since gained 417 signatures, mostly from Tri-Co students. The results are very telling, and you can see them on our “How Would This Benefit the Tri-Co?” page.

What is the Status of This Campaign Now?

As of February 2022, Sophie and DASH have sent the presentation, letter, and petition results to the Tri-Co faculty. They are reviewing their proposal. Sophie’ll post updates here as they come in – stay tuned!