“How Would This Program Benefit the Tri-Co?”

Anonymous Testimonies from Petition Signers:

“This is amazing and as a future student this would be a field of study that I would love to minor in and learn more about.”

“i think that a disability studies minor or program would help a lot in bringing awareness (& hopefully improvement) to the realities of actual students, in addition to allowing haverford & bryn mawr to join a very important & up & coming interdisciplinary field.”

“I am disabled myself and the one disability studies course I have taken honestly changed my life. I found it comforting in a way that is hard to describe in words. I would love to see more courses like this offered; I would have taken more had I had the opportunity.”

“As a disabled person in a very ableist world it is vital that people become educated and aware of the struggles and joys that come with disability….Knowledge is power.”

You can read more quotations in Sophie’s presentation.

Additionally, according to our petition (as of April 2022):

  • 417 people have signed our petition, and most of them are Tri-Co students
  • 95.9% of survey respondents would be“VERY excited”, “a little excited”, or otherwise supportive of more Disability Studies courses/a minor offered by the Tri-Co
  • 77.3% of question respondents might or would definitely consider minoring in Disability Studies if they could
  • 77.9% of question respondents are most interested in a course on “Disability Justice and Rights”, more than any other subfield listed for this question, including write-ins
  • Three courses tie for second place, with support from 64% of question respondents. These courses are “ASL/Deaf culture”, “Neurological Disabilities/Neurodiversity”, and “Disability Ethics/’Curing’ & ‘Treating’ Disabilities”